KKT Fridays – BlackBoxEfx
We invited BlackBoxEfx as artists in residence for the month of june 2017.
Towards the end of their residency (the 30th of june 2017) they gave a talk about their considerations in the process towards their new installation, an interactive artwork that was subsequently exhibited at Gadens Galleri.*
BlackBoxEfx consists of the the three artists and civil engineers Nikolaj Kynde, Dave Black and Tue Sander.
*Gadens Galleri
Rysgade 4, 2200 KBH N
Installationerne på Gadens Galleri i juli er produktet af en måneds eksperimenter på Kommunal Kunst og Teknik. Et måned lang artist residency tillod kunstnerne at undersøge hvordan man visuelt kan repræsentere lyd.
Om kunstnerne
Nikolaj Røssell Kynde, Dave Navndrup Black og Tue Sander Sørensen udgør det kreative arbejdsfællesskab BlackBoxEfx. BlackBoxEfx laver installationskunst med lyd i centrum. Kunstnerne er alle civilingeniører med en master i Sound and Music Computing.