Mother’s Tears + BIRD talk
MOTHER’S TEARS + BIRD /// 20th of April /// KOMMUNAL KUNST OG TEKNIK, Blågårds Plads 3, 3. sal, 2200 København. Doors open 18.30. Event by Line Kallmayer 19.00. Following conversation with the artist 20.00
We will be serving mind-bending refreshments, that are inspired by the presentation. – All very welcome!!
Aftenen byder på en præsentation af to tekstbaserede skitseværker, Mother’s Tears og BIRD talk, som kombinerer performance og screening med artist talk. Line Kallmayers kunstneriske arbejde er procesorienteret og søger bl.a. at eksperimentere i grænseområdet mellem forskellige discipliner og kontekster.
Værkerne er ikke tidligere vist i København og vil forløbe over ca. 45 min. og være på engelsk.
Mother’s Tears er en essayistisk oplæsning, der udforsker måder at relatere sig til billeder på, især opdagelsen af spejlneuronet samt dens indflydelse på vores virkelighedsforståelse og bevidsthed. Fortælleren lider selv af svimmelhed og sætter sig for at undersøge dens oprindelse og mulige forbindelse til hendes mors højdeskræk. Værket blev skabt til art writing festivalen Where Were We, i Dan- mark i 2015, og en senere version er publiceret i det amerikanske magasin AGNI (US) i 2016.
BIRD talk er baseret på publikationen, BIRD, som består af en ræk- ke breve fra et fængsel i England. En mand bliver overbevist om at hans søn er besat af en dæmon og i et pludseligt anfald slår han drengen ihjel. Psykiaterne, der evaluerer ham, mener, at han var sindssyg i gerningsøjeblikket, men den retslægelige instans under- kender dommen og kalder drabet for koldblodigt. BIRD udkom ved Catalyst Press som en del af udstillingen The Catalyst Experiment ved Project Art Writing og Aarhus Litteraturcenter i 2017.
Line Kallmayers kunstneriske praksis udfolder sig i et tværfagligt spændingsfelt, hvor foto, video og tekst integreres ved hjælp af et- nografiske og kontekstorienterede metoder. Hun er uddannet ved kunstakademiet Goldsmiths (University of London), har en BA-grad i engelsk og psykologi (Københavns Universitet) samt et diplom fra Polens Nationale Filmskole i Łódź. Kallmayers værker beskæftiger sig ofte med, hvordan noget opleves, samt med grænserne for vores forestillingsevne. Line har de seneste år rejst og arbejdet i Ita- lien, USA, Tyrkiet, Tyskland og England. Med hovedvægten lagt på at afdække poetiske lag i den kunstneriske proces låner hun både elementer fra essayet, litteraturen, det dokumentariske portræt og den kritiske udveksling med andre discipliner.
Line Kallmayer will present two texts, Mother’s Tears and BIRD talk. The presentation will combine performance, artist talk and scre- ening. Kallmayer’s work is process-oriented and appears in many forms and contexts. Using text and photography, her work interse- cts and connects with different disciplines and methodologies.
The work has not been shown before in Copenhagen and will last about 45 min and be in English.
Mother’s Tears is an essayistic reading, which explores different ways of relating to images, drawing on the recent scientific discovery of the mirror neuron and its potential effect on our understanding of reality and consciousness. Suffering from vertigo, the narrator sets out to investigate the origin of this condition, especially how it relates to her mother’s fear of heights. The piece was initially created for Where Were We, a festival on art writing, in Denmark 2015 and a later version has been published in the American literary magazine AGNI (US) in 2016.
BIRD talk is based on the publication BIRD; an exploration of the personal account of a man who killed his son, when he became convinced that the boy was possessed by something demonic. Eva- luating psychologists thought that he was insane at the time of the event, whereas the medico legal council overruled the verdict and called him a coldblooded killer. In a series of letters from prison
he describes how he came to his belief, and after years of trying to put the crime behind him, he tries to remember the events as they unfolded. BIRD was published by Catalyst Press as part of the exhibition The Catalyst Experiment by Project Art Writing and Aarhus Centre for Literature in 2017.
Line Kallmayer is a Danish visual artist whose essayistic work combines text with lens-based media and performance. She has a fine arts degree from Goldsmiths (London), a degree in English and Psychology (Copenhagen) and has studied at the Polish National Film School (Łódź). Kallmayer’s art practice use autobiographical structures as points of departures for investigations into ethical and aesthetic questions – from violence and the concept of evil to the status of the religious image.