ITU (MAD) writing retreat #1
Monday 20th Nov – Thursday 23rd Nov.
Writing retreat for the MAD researche group at ITU.
Whensday, the researche group will present their progress at an open event: 14-15
About MAD
MAD (Media, Art and Design) is an interdisciplinary research group focusing on experience design and practice-based research in domains such as cultural heritage, art and the creative and cultural industries.
Creative practice is central to our research. We believe that groundbreaking technologies can be developed by paying attention to human interests that go beyond the purely rational to also include phenomena like play, affect and aesthetics.
The members of MAD come from different disciplinary backgrounds including digital design, computer science, media studies and game design. We are joined together in a shared interest in practice-based design research approaches such as research through design, research-in-the-wild, action research and more.